uRED is a deep red light therapy device designed to restore the health of your penis. With it you safely benefit from the restorative power of numerous deep red light emitting diodes placed around the desired area of effect.
– The normal model has an opening that is [41mm / 1.61 inch] in diameter and comes with 24 deep red light diodes.
– The large model has an opening that is [47mm / 1.85 inch] in diameter and comes with 27 deep red light diodes.
The size of the unit is the primary difference. The larger unit is bigger as a whole (its whole structure as well as the opening) and could possibly be used more comfortably while erect/semi-erect, too.
It all comes down to what would be a better fit for the individual, which is why these two options are available.
Full presentation press (HERE).
Arthur J. – :
Really good effects – aside from the obvious purpose, I noticed improved erection quality as well. With it comes a general feeling of wellbeing in the tissues. That’s a bit hard to explain, I’d say it is more like a feeling that your tissues have had the opportunity to rest and restore themselves. And that has happened faster than the usual time it takes.
K. Scott – :
Arrived well and good. Works as expected. Thank you.
J. Rivera – :
To whoever wonders if it works for Peyronies – it does, and very well at that. 💯
B. Parker – :
It does help a lot. I’ve been using it for about two weeks and already feel my scar tissue is a lot softer (or more elastic). It is obviously the effect of the URed because before I started using it I would never see any softening at any point in time for a whole year. What a time to be alive. Imagine having to deal with such a problem just 20-30 years back when there were no products like this to help out, or even the internet to talk about it. That would’ve been a real downer.. but anyhow – thanks for creating this thingy, helps!
T. Torres – :
Worth it and more! Saved me from a dire situation.
U. Howard – :
I’ve read that 660 nm penetrates tissues to about 2-4 cm. uRed is certainly very well thought out as that is the optimal wavelength for a penis.
So, if you think about it, the light which is nearest the scar tissue penetrates it immediately, and also you receive red light from the opposite side (as it penetrates the whole tissue and gets to the scar, too).
It practically means that each of the 24 red light diodes reaches the whole of your penis, and the reflective film around the cone increases the efficacy even further. Awesome!
W. Harris – :
I do see some positive effects. It’s slower than I expected as I’ve used it for about 5 weeks but I guess Peyronie’s Disease is a hard thing to get rid of. The positives are somewhat softer collagen tissue and slightly improved erection quality, probably in correlation with the degree of softness of the collagen scar tissue. I hope the positive effects will continue to where at least the collagen scar will lessen in size or become even softer as to not affect my penis that much.
B. Wright – :
The product is hands down the best thing I’ve done for my PD.
K. Perez – :
Excellent quality, its internal walls are smooth and comfy. I’ve been using the device comfortably for prolonged periods of time. Improvement wise I do see slow progress which gives me hope.
W. Hughes – :
uRed may have well saved my penis. Curve went down from 35% to 20% in just about two months, which is a big difference. It also improved my lost sensitivity and reduced the pain I had by a significant margin. All these positives restored my hope, which has had big positive effect on my overall mental state and whole outlook on life.
Worth the price ten-fold and an easy recommend.
G. Brown – :
Very positive effects so far. I have been using uRed before my jelqing and stretching sessions as a safeguard against potential injuries. Turns out the device helped me make faster gains and significantly improved the overall health of my tissues (improved elasticity, erectile strength, and balanced my sensitivity). The tissues feel way more rested after my PE sessions, to the point of allowing me to do them twice a day.
I highly recommend the device to whoever is serious about the health of their penis
Rowan B. – :
The uRed device is easy to use, durable, and I personally found it highly effective. I am truly thankful for your work and for letting me know about the possibility of using red light therapy to heal my PD, which turns out is working very well for me.
B. Smith – :
Yeah, I’ve been using all the products from the website and all of them in a combination have basically healed my penis completely {with just small, isolated, and very soft remnants of PD remaining}.
I can’t say which product did better than the other cause I’ve been using them all simultaneously but I do believe the uRED helped quite a lot as I’d feel a definite improvement in how my penis felt every time after use.
J. Smith – :
There’s credible info on RLT and its effects in related studies and journals. I’ve used my Ured for about two months, the large model. I expect that the PD will be rather slow to dissipate. Remember that the findings are that, more often than not, if left untreated, it will remain permanently.
I’m hoping for the only possible positive outcome, that would be the slow and gradual improvement. For the past two months I’ve seen positives, such as diminished PD collagen tissue rigidity and slightly diminished size. If things continue to improve in the current rate, my hope is that it will be at 50% at month 10 to 12. I will post an update, that will be around the end of 2023. Take care all.
T. Whitaker – :
Great product, works well.
R. Garcia – :
I’m one of the guys who first thought about using red light therapy years back. Even wrote on a few forums about it. Long story short, the big flat rlt panel I used back then was too bothersome for me to keep a straight routine for too long, plus it only shone on one side because it was flat. I remember observing a few improvements which I documented and always hoped to find a more effective product that I can use with ease to help me keep my routine for longer periods. I think that guys nowadays don’t realize how fortunate they are to have these tested methods and useful gadgets they can combine for good results. I applaud the effort to create a dedicated product. GJ ;-
J. Johnson – :
I have only been using this device for a few days but have noticed a marked decline in pain and diminished flaccid stiffness. It does make me hopeful for even better results.
K. Jackson – :
Good, I use it in combination with the SR Cream. My skin is getting softer and fuller, probably due to their combined action and the red light helping my body make healthy collagen at an improved rate. It is a quality product.
T. Rodriguez – :
Well worth the purchase, tho it took months of use to show positive results. I guess my Peyronie’s could’ve been calcified or something. Still, months is nothing compared to the years I had to endure it prior.
K. Carter – :
If you think about it — when was the last time your bro got some sunlight? I’ve thought about that for a while and have started sunbathing on my porch — my observations are that it does help with my PD somewhat. The thing is that it can be only done during warmer and sunny days — plus my brief sunbathing sessions with not particularly concentrated sunlight may not be enough. This device helps with the upper predicament as drlt is natural and I’ve found that studies confirm that the drlt range helps the body’s mitochondria produce energy and cellular regeneration. I’d recommend it as a good idea.
B. Parker – :
I bought this after reading some studies on Pubmed about pain relief and healthy collagen recovery. I was somewhat skeptical because it sounds odd that some red light bulbs would make any difference in those things but decided to give it a try.
I’m only going to hit pain relief as I can’t speak yet testify to particular collagen improvements, as of what I’ve read it may take a while longer for those.
Ever since my injury I had chronic pain concentrated around the injury site, which gets particularly aggravated after any physical session. When I got the red light device and the cream, I decided to purposely aggravate my condition a bit in order to see if the red light really works.
How it goes normally is: after the site is aggravated the chronic pain is moderate and usually lasts around 3 hours, after that the pain becomes less intense and lasts around 10 hours, and after that it becomes barely noticeable but chronic and always present to a degree.
So I aggravated my injury by rubbing one and when I felt the moderate pain I used the red light with the cream for about 30 minutes. I was somewhat amazed that the pain went to its mild stage faster than usual, and to its barely noticeable state in just a few hours.
Next I did that experiment a few more times and every time the positive effects were the on par or better.
So even if I was skeptical at first, the results have proven that it works. I can attest to the efficacy of the method.
R. Reed – :
I’m satisfied with the device. I’ve been reading much about RLT benefits and can attest that I experience more than half after several weeks of use. I’m hopeful that the overall state of my condition will improve further. The device is well-made.
K. Brown – :
Yeah, all good. I regularly use red light for my face and neck since it makes my skin feel healthier. Unsurprisingly I notice the same positive effects for my penis. Also my foreskin is now tighter and noticeably more elastic, so I recommend it for that too.
T. Smith – :
it’s aaight, works
W. Bauer – :
I am in my mid 60s and developed Peyronie’s 20 years ago. There was less information then so I was confused and petrified of what was happening. It would be too long to go over the details of how that affected my life but suffice to say I lost both my confidence and my wife. I’ve gone through various GP visits and tests over the years, mostly futile. About 10 years ago I went for a surgery. The operation was excruciating, and if the pain was not enough I also had a horrible catheter fitted in my penis for days. The results were not what I was expecting either which was a real disappointment. If anything I think I got worse in certain aspects such as general discomfort and burning urination. Also my penis got somewhat straighter but shorter by a whole centimeter and a half and I lost a huge amount of sensitivity. That pretty much left me devastated. Having tried the official route so to speak, the only way forward was the alternative route. And I’ve tried it all – from DMSO, iodine, castor oil, shockwaves, traction devices, to meditation, visualization, pelvic floor muscle exercises and so on. Some of the things helped more than others, I’d say there’s merit to all. It was not enough to fully restore me to perfect health but some days I feel I might be closer than I’ve ever been.
Now on the subject of the products here, I’ve tried all of them. If I have to rate them on efficacy basis I’d say I like the SB Cream and UHeat v2 the most. Next is the URed and then UHeal v2. Lastly there’s UShape.
The combination of the Cream a and UHeat v2 I feel is the best if you are on a budget. The cream and the heat helped me restore the proper “feel” of my penis. It’s difficult to describe what proper feel entails but I will try. That is basically a combination of the tissue feeling soft and elastic when flaccid and firm when erect, all combined with the proper sensitivity to it (whereas my prior condition had left me with the exact opposite of that, tissues feeling hard when flaccid and soft when erect). I think that the cream and the heat proved to be the most effective of all in my case is because they are the most penetrative of all, and I believe I had deep tissue fibrosis as a result of the prior trauma and especially the operation. The positive effects were very gradual and I’d say it took me more than half a year to build them. That’s sill nothing compared to the years I’ve suffered prior tho.
About the URed, I’ve noticed it’s the most effective of all products in terms of creating healthy collagen and external tissue feel in the penis, tho it’s less penetrative than UHeat v2. It will however be your best bet and first choice if your scar tissue doesn’t go to deep or if you’ve had externally caused friction sensitivity issues. I’d conclude that the cream and heat are the best for deep penis restoration and ured is the best for finishing it to completion by restoring the outermost soft layers of tissue which are hugely important as well (basically great for sensitivity and full erection power restoration). Ideally you’d want to use all three.
About the UHeal v2, I found it directly works on the scar tissue by affecting its composition somehow. Basically the minute I put the device on I could feel odd sensations coming directly from the scar tissue. I think it may be because the scar tissue has a different composition with more iron in it so it’s being affected physically by the magnetic field, quite literally at that. Other than that I found the magnetic field does work in restoring the proper feel in my tissues as well, with emphasis on sensitivity. It’s a very cost effective device and I really like and use it, though the efficacy of the other products is just that more effective, so I have no other option but to rate the UHeal v2 fourth.
About the UShape, it was really great to temporarily rid me of my hard flaccid condition. Really great to make your tissues tender and get them in a better state. The downside is that I don’t think it was that effective in making permanent progress. It worked better when combined with the other products, which could’ve upped its efficacy, but on its own I’d have to rate it fifth of the bunch, tho still good. I’d say it’s still worth it for temporary relief.
My personal conclusion is that the value of the products is outstanding as a whole. I think my review may be getting too long at this point so I’ll leave it at that. If you’ve gotten through the wall of text you’re a hero, I hope you’ve found some value in it. Take care everybody, I wish you all the best.
I. Taylor – :
This device has been a huge help with post-sexual-activity soreness and turtling I used to get. I’d say it helps me get to normal at least twice or three times faster than it would’ve taken me otherwise and I’ve done several week-long tests to verify that. The efficacy is great and so is the value because I will probably keep using it on a regular basis for years.
J. Ghani – :
unprotected sex with gf led to odd discoloration in the glans, especially visible when flaccid. not itchy, no pain, not swollen but bothering nonetheless. went to urologist and derma, both said it’s fungus/candida. gave me two different creams but i saw no improvement for three weeks. surprisingly the red light worked for that while i was trying it for other purposes. thanks
G. Terry – :
I recommend giving it a try for general erectile strength boost. I’ve been at it over the last several months with good results.
J. Smith – :
I’ve used the device for 8 days straight but I could tell almost right away that the effects are real. My flaccid is definitely softer and more elastic whilst my erections are stronger. I try to stay at around half the recommended daily use as I figured I need to give my body time to adjust slowly.
I live in the UK and I don’t know how it was done but the device was delivered in about 5 days after the purchase with the normal shipping which is shocking fast. Even better, the courier from Yodel said I didn’t need to pay any customs taxes for it and just gave me the package. Very satisfied!
B. Hughes – :
@J.Smith same experience with how I got my packages in the UK without taxes. I’ve been using the SB Cream for years while changing countries due to work so I’ve been making regular orders every few months. It’s a curious thing but while receiving orders in the UK I was never requested to pay customs tax by the couriers. While I was in Canada I was requested to pay tax only if I had ordered 1 cream or had made the order with the UPS shipping option. Anything more than a single cream or above that threshold (such as the 1 uRed I got there) was not taxed for some reason. It might be due to blind luck or that they missed to do it or about how the couriers handle these packages, but my observations are 1. UK no taxes / 2. Canada tax only if 1 cream was ordered (odd) but if 2 or more creams or a device was ordered there was no tax / 3. The USA and the EU all good with no taxes whatsoever, ever.
K. Taylor – :
Parcel was delivered as per the delivery estimates to Miami FL with the UPS option {3 days + 1 to ship}. Product quality good, beautiful glossy plastic and red light, very smooth to the touch. Effect-wise too early to tell since I’ve used it for just a couple of days, but one immediate positive is that the device also emits heat when over 8V which gives me the option to use it as a warm-up before my PE routine instead of a rice sock. And I’m fairly certain that the red light is only going to be a potential benefit on top of that. I bought the normal model but that is because I plan to use it flaccid before my routines, if you have different plans it might be better to get the larger model.