Ref: PubMed Study #16019862 .
The study above inspired us to create a device that could help guys gain control over the process. It indicated that a very specific constant temperature was effective with Peyronie’s Disease, which is why we created uHeat.
All that’s needed is to place the device around the penis, allowing full control over the temperature and the consistency with which it’s applied.
Statistics, Statistics..
A Photo Is Worth A Thousand Words

Dedicated To Quality
Working with numerous specialists and a reputable manufacturer, we’ve produced unique, top-quality product, especially designed to restore and improve the health of your penis.
People do know best. Take advantage of this proven modern method for improving the health of your tissues.
The Health Benefits For Your Penis
The health benefits of uHeat extend to every aspect of the functioning of your penis. From improving your erectile quality to dissolving collagen tissue formations. Keeping the required tissue temperature for healing and restoration has been made easy and convenient.
Improving Tissue Health
Hyperthermia has been shown to be effective in improving local tissue health. An official study on the subject concluded that the utilization of such method had led to an increase in mean scores of erectile function (EF) domain (ref: Study). Guys also tend to use the method as a warm-up to increase the safety and efficacy of any PE exercises. Whatever the case, one can expect an improvement in the health of his penile tissues.
Dissolving Collagen Tissue Formations
Hyperthermia has been shown to be effective in dissolving collagen scar tissue formations, known as Peyronie’s Disease. The results of an official study (ref: Study) conducted among 60 patients were that hyperthermia significantly reduces the plaque size and penile curvature and also leads to an increase in mean scores of erectile function. It’s also reported to be safe and effective in preventing disease progression.
Hyperthermia has been used for decades, helping men heal and improve numerous aspects of their health. uHeat has been designed for the ground up to specialize in improving the health of your penile tissues.
Made of high quality silk and cotton materials, uHeat is very comfortable to use. The specially designed size both in width and length perfectly fits the astounding 99% of penis sizes, ensuring you will have a very pleasant and therapeutic heating experience.
uHeat is very convenient and can be used anytime and anywhere, for as long as desired. Just place your penis inside the soft wrap and regulate the temperature. No need to use homemade heating pads. The effective end of the rice sock!
Well Tuned
The device has been specially crafted and tuned for the purpose of healing your penis. The temperature alteration is gradual and the scale is in the safe margin.
uHeat is designed to be very safe to use. The device is effective in that it could reach high temperatures but operates only under 12 volts. The device is well-made and is compliant with all safety regulations.
Great Value
The specially designed heater is made of high quality materials and is designed to last for decades. A great value proposition and definitely enough for a lifetime of reaping benefits from the therapeutic qualities of uHeat.
Over 97%+ Satisfied Customers And Counting
Making It The Most Trusted, Complete & Effective Penile Tissue Health Promoting Therapeutic Device To Date
“The device does help. I was pleasantly surprised by the degree to which this restored my previous erectile quality. Wife mentioned she notices the difference too.” – Patrick B.
Very good results thus far. I have to admit I’m on board with this being very effective! Thank you for creating it.
Effective in what it does, easy to operate. Basically what you’d expect, finally somebody made such a device.
Have been using it to warmup my penis before jelqing and stretching. Does it well and saves me a lot of prep time.
Definitely noticed a positive difference for my PD. It did take about a few weeks of heating morning and evening.
The device is comfortable and effective. Helped me restore the health of my penis to a large degree. Highly recommended.